February 13, 2025: Student transportation cancelled, OCDSB schools remain open

All school buses and vans serving the OCDSB will be cancelled on February 13, 2025, due to poor weather conditions. For students assigned to public transit (Presto), all 600-series school routes and any school trips on regular routes will not operate.

OCDSB schools will be open. Parents and caregivers are welcome to drop off their children at school and pick them up at regular bell times. The Extended Day Program will also be open for registered students.

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For information on any course, click on a specific course code.

Mathematics Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12
 Grade 9 Mathematics — Destreamed MTH1W      
 Grade 10 Mathematics — Destreamed    MPM2D    
 Mathematics – L.D.C.C. – Essentials MAT1L MAT2L    
 Functions — University     MCR3U  
 Functions and Applications — University/College     MCF3M  
 Foundations for College Mathematics     MBF3C MAP4C
 Advanced Functions       MHF4U
 Calculus and Vectors       MCV4U
 Mathematics of Data Management       MDM4U
 Mathematics for College Technology       MCT4C
 Mathematics for Work and Everyday Life     MEL3E MEL4E

Delivery of the Mathematics Curriculum

  1. Every student coming to the Earl of March Secondary School will have an appropriate pathway to complete his/her 3 (three) compulsory Mathematics credits.
  2. Course content is derived from the Curriculum documents and not from textbook content. Textbooks are used as a resource only, not as a design tool.
  3. We as educators are committed to continued professional development both formal and informal.
  4. The Earl of March Mathematics Department works collaboratively to ensure consistent delivery of the curriculum.
  5. We recognize the importance of communication within the school community.

Assessment Strategies

A variety of teaching/assessment strategies to address students’ needs will be used during this course. Formative assessments will be ongoing throughout the academic year and students will receive feedback intended to help them improve their learning. The chart below outlines levels with their descriptors. Levels will be used when assigning marks in this course.

Level Descriptors
 Zero No evidence of learning
 R: not a passable level of achievement Insufficient demonstration of understanding
 1: much below the provincial standard Limited understanding, weak, lacking purpose
2: approaching the provincial standard  Some understanding, simplistic, somewhat purposeful
 3: the provincial standard Considerable understanding, solid, standard, purposeful, effective
 4: surpassing the provincial standard Consistent, thorough understanding, in depth, insightful to a purpose, high degree of effectiveness

Evidence of Student Achievement

Students may demonstrate their understanding of the course materials in a wide variety of ways. Evidence of student achievement may come from observations, conversations, and students products. Student products may include assignments, tests, projects, performance tasks, and examinations. A balanced combination of a student’s Knowledge and Understanding, Thinking and Inquiry, Communication, and Application will be assessed. These 4 categories will not be separately evaluated. Instead, they will be “considered as interrelated, reflecting the wholeness and interconnectedness of learning.” – from the Ontario Ministry of Education curriculum documents.

Learning Category Description
 Knowledge & Understanding  Subject-specific content acquired in each grade/course (knowledge), and the comprehension of its meaning and significance (understanding).
 Application  The use of knowledge and skills to make connections within and between various contexts.
 Thinking  The use of critical and creative thinking skills and/or processes.
 Communication  The conveying of meaning through various forms.


Source of Evidence  Description
 Observations The teacher may record evidence of student achievement observed as students work on investigations in class. 
 Conversations  The teacher may record evidence of student achievement elicited during a conversation with a student
  • Products
    • 70%
      • Tests: There will be major unit tests
      • Assignments: Students may complete in-class assignments.
      • Tasks: Students may have a chance to demonstrate their creativity, knowledge and understanding of the material through in-class performance tasks.
    • 30%
      • Summative Task and/or Final Exam: Students may write a summative and/or final examination to demonstrate their understanding that will summarize many strands at the end of the course.

Homework - Helping Learning "Stick"

Learning requires a sincere commitment to work and study. Choosing to do homework is an essential part of a student’s educational development. Homework helps students improve their academic and study skills, and is critical in the reinforcement of ideas and concepts presented in class. Also, homework helps students develop responsibility, independence, perseverance, time management skills and curiosity. The Ontario Curriculum emphasizes that there is a direct relationship between effort and student achievement. Homework will be assigned to students based upon reasonable expectations, and with the understanding that many students are involved in a variety of worthwhile activities outside of the school setting.

Helping Your Child Succeed

Support can be given to students in numerous ways at home. You can certainly guide and help your child without knowing exactly how to do math questions. Having a positive attitude towards learning in general, and mathematics in particular can go a long way. Consider as well that teenagers are often unaware that the pathway to “success” is rarely a straight line; sharing your own personal experiences of frustration and struggle, perseverance and accomplishment may help your child to see his or her own experiences in a new way. If you are able to help your child pinpoint more specifically where his/her difficulties or misconceptions lie, getting help from teachers will be more effective.

Below is a collection of links that cover a tiny percentage of the available resources on the internet to help you support your child’s mathematics education.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your child’s teacher.

Students taking grades 4 through 12 math courses

Build your math skills and confidence with a personalized math coach using TVO Mathify. Tutors are available online Monday to Friday from 9 am to 9 pm ET, and Saturdays and Sundays from 3 pm to 9 pm ET.