Virtual Research Library

Research Steps

  1. Begin with general reference resources, such as encyclopedia articles, to give you a sense of the main issues.

  2. Move to critical articles (e.g. from the databases) that debate and discuss the issue.

  3. If applicable, consult primary sources for original evidence and examples.
screenshot of grade 7-12 learning waffle

Electronic Resources (Virtual Library)

Use the links below to search for books, encyclopedias, magazines, newspapers, journals, and verified websites available on our virtual shelves. Most of these digital resources can be accessed without a password in the OCDSB Student Portal, under the Research waffle in the VLE (Virtual Learning Environment).

Click here for a video on how to access the Student Portal and the VLE (Virtual Learning Environment).

If you are having trouble accessing resources via the Student Portal, click here for direct links and passwords (password document available only to OCDSB accounts).

Click on the appropriate button below to jump to the relevant section of the page.

encyclopedias databases  primary sources

1. Encyclopedias

2. Academic Articles, etc.: "Virtual Library" Databases

Use these databases to access:

  • newspapers
  • magazines and academic journals
  • encyclopedias and other reference books
  • multimedia sources

Go to the Student Portal/VLE to access OCDSB databases. Click here for instructions.

Having trouble logging in to the VLE? Click here for direct links and passwords for EBSCO databases (OCDSB access only).

How to use EBSCO databases for research

Video symbol
Video:  How to translate EBSCO articles (ELL

Free online journal and research databases

3. Primary Sources

Original information and documents, including newspapers and magazines.

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