Earl of March Library Documentation and Notetaking Tools
Citing Sources in All Disciplines
Your teacher will tell you which style to use for each course.
The Difference in Documentation Styles by Subject
Online Writing Lab: Research and Citation
Databases and electronic encyclopedias will create a citation for you in a variety of styles!
Documentation Styles
Documenting Social Media
Documenting Canadian Government Publications
Google Docs now includes a citation tool which lets you add your citations into your document very easily. Go to Tools > Citations. Select the citation style you need (MLA or APA only -- Chicago Notes & Bibliography is not included) then click + Add citation source. You have to enter your sources; there is no way to import from a citation creator. Once you have added a source, you can create an in-text citation, and eventually create your bibliography.
Other Citation Generators
MyBib free citation generator & MyBib Chrome extension
Using MyBib Citation Generator (from Spokane Falls Community College Library)