2025-2026 Course Selection Information
Course Selection Checklist
- Review the presentation for your grade, available below. Choose your courses carefully: think about your interests and goals, talk to parent(s)/guardian(s) and teachers.
- Choose your Xello language preference - students can change their language in Xello to 135 languages.
- Select your courses in Xello (login using the Student Portal). Parent(s)/guardian(s) are encouraged to discuss course selections and pathways with their youth.
Need help using Xello?
Resource | Purpose |
Selecting Courses using Xello | This provides a written step-by-step guide for selecting courses in Xello. This is useful for parents, students and teachers. |
Xello Course Selection Recording | This video shows parents, students and teachers how to use Xello to make course selections. |
- Parents/Guardians are to complete the Online Parent Verification Form, by noon on Friday, February 28, to confirm that they agree with the courses selected by their youth.
- New Summer School Registration Process:
A form for summer school requests will be available in early April. You may sign up for summer school courses then. If you wish to reach ahead with a course from your course selections (eg., Civics and Careers), you will have the opportunity at that time to specify the replacement course for next year. - Review the Mandatory elearning information:
Students are required to earn two online learning credits to graduate from secondary school, beginning with every student who entered Grade 9 in the 2020-21 school year. Adult learners entering the Ontario secondary school system in 2023-24 or later will be required to meet this graduation requirement and may opt themselves out of the requirement. The graduation requirement is intended to support students in developing familiarity and comfort with working and learning in a fully online environment, as well as developing digital literacy and other important transferable skills that will help prepare them for success after graduation and in all aspects of their lives.
Parents/guardians may choose to opt their youth out of the mandatory online courses required for graduation. Students age 18 years of age or older or students who are 16 or 17 years of age and have withdrawn from parental control can also opt out of the graduation requirement. School boards must also allow for students and parents/guardians to opt back into the online learning graduation requirement should their decision change.
Have a parent/guardian sign the Mandatory Elearning Opt-Out Form if desired and has yet to be completed. This form only needs to be completed once during a student’s high school years. - Submit your course selections by noon on Friday, February 28th.
Course Selection Information Night Slideshows
Students Entering Grade 9
On January 16th, we hosted an information night for grade 8 students and their parent(s)/guardians(s). The slideshow from that evening is posted below.
The OCDSB hosted a virtual High School Information Night on January 15th. Visit the Student Guide for High School Course Selection page on their website to view a recording of this session, along with other resources to help with course selection.
Students Entering Grades 10, 11 and 12
Guidance Teachers will be reviewing course selection options with classes throughout the month of February.
Our Course Selection Information Evening for the parents of returning students was held on Thursday February 6th at 6:30 pm in the EOM Auditorium.
Presentations for each grade are posted below.
Students Entering Grade 10
Students Entering Grade 11
Students Entering Grade 12